Making A Smooth Entry Past A Revolving Door
The Wall Street Journal
Before accepting an offer for a
position with a high turnover rate,
make sure to do as much research
about the company as the
company does about you.
Does an office with a revolving door
mean a risky career move or a golden
As takeover activity quickens and
investors' tolerance for poor corporate
performance shrinks, more people are
being offered jobs with high recent turn
over. This summer, global ad-holding
giant Interpublic Group hired its fourth
chief financial officer in three years. Delta
Air Lines tapped its fifth finance chief in
seven years. And Symbol Technologies
named its fifth chief executive officer in
less than four years.
Assess The Situation
Churn is chancy. But don't run for cover. An
extensive appraisal of yourself and the proffered
post will improve your eyes open -- and
outlasting the short-lived predecessors.
Your self-assessment should weight whether
you tolerate risk well, whether your talents
match the position and whether the corporate
culture suits your temperament. "If there has
been a lot of turn-over, you'll want to
understand the fir very well," says Greg
Brenneman, who last year became Burger
King's ninth CEO in 15 years. He suggests you
also ask, "Can I make a real contribution to the
Before you accept the offer, "do as much due
diligence about the company does about you,"
urges Ed Dunn, president of a human resources
consulting and search firm in St. Joseph, Mich.
As part of this efforts, pose tough questions to
key players inside and outside your potential
employer: For how long has this job experience
high turn-over? Why? Does the top brass
accept certain responsibility for the heavy
exodus? What made past job holders a poor fit?
What other problems plague the
organization? Who will have the greatest
impact on my success there?
Contradictory answers "raise a red
flag that you have to pursue further,"
warns Pete Warshaw, a vice president
of executive-coaching firm RHR
international in Wood Dale, Ill.
Search firms may supply fuller
explanations than a hiring manager. Six
month ago, Heidrick & Struggles
International recruiter Kelvin
Thompson landed a search for a chief
information officer who would be a
U.S. consumer technology concern's
fourth in five years.
The prior three information chiefs
told Thompson they largely blamed
their departures on the chief executive.
"He micromanages everybody,
especially technology staffers because
he feels passionate about technology, the
recruiter recalls.
Thompson negotiated a solution. The
newly hired information officer agreed
to meet with the CEO every week
during his first 100 days and to submit
progress reports a day before they were
discussed. The arrangement worked, the
recruiter reports.
You should glean frank insights from
predecessors, although be prepared for
obstacles. Severance pacts often forbid
individuals from making disparaging
remarks about their former employer.
Be diplomatic. To learn whether your
boss-to-be meddles too much, for
example, ask, "On a scale of one to ten,
how much autonomy did you get?"
Also, look for hints of discomfort in
the prior incumbents' answers. "Pay
attention to the pauses and where they
have to think slowly about the
question," advises Laurence J. Stybel,
co-founder of Stybel Peabody &
Lincolnshire, a Boston careermanagement firm.
Test The Waters
It is a good idea to the cynicism level
among likely subordinates. Before
Brenneman joined the nation's secondlargest hamburger chain, veteran Burger
King workers saw leaders come and go
so often they sometimes ignored the latest
chief's orders because he wouldn't last
long, one staff remembers.
Anyone stepping into a position with a
revolving door should request an
employment contract and include
generous severance. If the would be
employer balks at the formal accord,
request an offer letter in which "key
objectives and expected measurable
results are clear and documented,"
proposes Gerald M. Groe, an
organizational psychologist in Parish,
Fla., and author of the book Was Your
Boss Raised by Wolves?
Consult Advisors
Still unsure about whether to take a
high-turnover job? Solicit feedback from
personal advisors. About a year ago, one
executive got an offer to relocate to
become the fourth finance officer in six
years for a Midwest manufacturer. He
assembled "kitchen cabinet," consisting of
an investment banker, a lawyer and his
coach, Warshaw. They spent an entire day
brainstorming with him on a lake side
The trio helped the CFO finalist figure
out how to flourish in a new position. He
was able to analyze the company
objectively rather than simply heed his
instinct that he would succeed where
others had failed, Warshaw says. "He
made the decision with his eyes wide open
rather than squinting," he adds.
The executive accepted the post -- and
soon flourished. Last spring, he advanced
to chief executive